Coldcalled on SuVar

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Its exam time here at WIMWI...
but not for the beloved tuchhas.. its exam time for the Facchas..
There is a long-standing ritual that's followed at WIMWI..
A few dorms still actively participate in it..
All the 15-20 dorm seniors from a particular dorm will get together and scream the almost national slogan of WIMWI- 3 words.. but it one that reverberates right thru the spines of the innocent facchas..

There are several such instances like these... but none of these compare to the absurdities one gets to witness in the classrooms...
Our classrooms are designed amphitheatre style.. with name-tags in front of the students..
Now these name-tags are easily amenable to folding and twisting leading to complete mutilation of the original names..
an Arvind Kumar Meena becomes a KaMeena or
or a Reena L. Deepak becomes a ReeL. Deep ... you get the drift..

Now imagine the plight of the professors who are into cold calling... Cold calling is the ultimate weapon used against the poor students who didn't get time off from watching movies or playing the latest Empire series....

Thus, the other day, a Prof. was holding fort on the virtues of Open economic transactions when he coldcalled SuVar ( Sumeet Varma) on a question...
The fun gets multiplied simply because poor li'l Sumeet Varma has positively no clue that some pranskster has twisted his name to SuVar... thus, the class is laughing at SuVar while SuVar has no clue whats going on and joins the laughter ... leading to more laughter from the class.. until some kind soul sitting ahead of the Sumeet points out the unfortunate-ness thats been inflicted on him ... getting Cold Called on SuVar..

Sometimes, the profs are not spared either.. Prof. Asha wants to say good work to Rahul Shah .. but ends up saying "good work ASha".... leading to absolute discomfort for the Prof and an expression of dismay on Rahul's face...

Such is life.... What's in a name ? ... well, quite a lot... sometimes...